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Ahhhhhhh. Finally the blog post you guys have sent over 100's of DMS about. PAINTED COUNTER TOPS 15$ make ya hollaaaa.

1.) I am not an expert on this. I just wanted my hideous brown countertops gone but the budget couldn't afford it. So I came across ( Justine @via_justine ) on instagram saw her 15$ counter top upgrade and went for it!

She has a IGTV video saved that walks you through everything! ( she's the PRO )

I first did mine with a gray faux concrete paint and I loved it because the brown was GONE. But we use a lot of cast iron to cook and within 6 weeks it was chipped. I was bummed because I really wanted it to work. Fast forward 18 weeks and quarantine I decided to use the EPOXY appliance paint Justine had shared about. I didn't really care about sanding it because at this point I just was winging it. So I painted directly over it and did about 4 coats total. Few weeks later they are still holding up! So for 15$ its worth trying if you hate your current counters. I also ended up doing it in our bathrooms because I had extra left over and it upgraded the look of our bathrooms soo much more!

If you follow me on insta @lifewithkristiannajade you'll see the story highlight saved under countertops and can see the before and afters!

Overall super easy to do and within 2 days you can have yourself a new look! If you try it please tag me I love seeing others results!


kristianna jade

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