Talk Oily To Me

Hey guys! It’s been a LONG time since I’ve shared on my blog but my life gets crazy (military life, long distance marriage, solo mom life, working, moving, battling PPD & PPA, chronic neck pain to name some of the main ones) So in the last few months I’ve decided to try out Young Living (which I know blah blah blah oils I’ve always scrolled by peoples post and never believed in them a ton with how much money they are) but I was following along with @nestingwithgrace on insta & always felt inspired by her so when she started sharing her stories on oils I was intrigued. I saved up for the starter kit and decided why not just try it out & slowly replace my candle addiction with some oils diffusing, maybe add some to my water, & if it could help with my post partum anxiety/depression & neck pain that would be a miracle. I got my starter kit in april & I have used it daily, I have learned soooo much about what’s in products that lead to inflammation, pain,anxiety, depression, tiredness & so on. So that’s the moment where I decided I wanted to practice a healthier lifestyle change. Has it been overwhelming? Yes! Has it been worth it? Absolutely! I wish I would have started soonier but in just a few weeks I have switched out my skincare products ( threw everything out) made the glow serum, bought the orange charcoal bar of soap, tea tree for my acne & those few things right there have already helped my skin. I’m slowly switching all my makeup out (I’m a makeup artist) so seeing all this makeup I thought was so good and so much money has me sick to my stomach knowing the USA makes it okay to put these harmful chemicals in our products without ever having to say. Some hairsprays have propane?!?! Wtf. There is something about making your own products and knowing exactly what’s in them so rewarding! I’ve been trying out the ditch and switch life and it’s only going to get better from here. I have been off my anxiety medications for a month I’ve learned that valor & stress away have been my holy grail oils for that! I’ve used panaway & peppermint for my neck pain/ tension headaches (no it’s not 100 perfect but I’ve had this pain for 6 years and with changing my eating habits & the know better do better method ) I’m hoping itll only get better! I make rollers for Harley and diffuse lavendar, cedar wood, peace & calming, tangerine at night and I swear it has helped her with healthier sleeping habits ( because let’s be real Homegirl didn’t sleep much the first two years of her life) Im not writing this to say “ hey buy a kit from me“ I’m sharing this because its my own personal story with making changes & if someone else has wanted to but feels overwhelmed because I know I did then I’d love to help them! So message me even if you just have questions because your curious!