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Deployments suck

Deployments ... they suck. I hate the weeks leading up to them + here I am writing this 12 hours after saying a see ya when I see ya to my husband. Saying bye to our home where Harley took her first steps, first bites of real food, all the growing she did in those 11 months of living there.The first day feels unbearable for me. Here we are exactly one year later facing another deployment? I just got him back 11 months ago from the last deployment how could we be already tackling another? People constantly ask me how I do it and I don't even know I just say if you were in the situation you'd be able to too. I take one day at a time if I think ahead to everything he'll miss I get super emotional and the anxiety sets in. It's such a hard role being the one constantly waiting.. waiting for him to leave, waiting for a message to know he got where he's going safely, waiting for a 2 minute phone call with poor connection, waiting for another week to come and go, waiting for him to return safely, just constant worry and waiting. Can I really do this for months and months straight? You feel like you can't but you do! The next 16 months are going to be some of the toughest months for my hubby and I but I know we can do it and come out of this even stronger. Military wives are some strong woman but that doesn't mean we don't struggle daily, cry daily, worry daily so be there for us. Sometimes the connections I've made with other military wives + mamas are how I get through the hard, long days, weeks, months. If you are reading this and you are a military wife then I want to thank you because I know what you do and go through! If you are currently going through a deployment message me I would love to connect!


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