Cozying up a bedroom for CHRISTMAS
1.74$ for mini flocked Christmas trees, 3$ stocking hangers, 6$ stockings yes please. This week has been hectic with moving back into my old bedroom. (For those who don't know my husband is in the military and when he leaves for months at a time I move back home!) Anyways this year I wanted to try to create a cozy space since last year I was way pregnant and just feeling blah because my husband wasn't going to be here for the birth or the holidays! I don't have tons of money to just buy everything I want but I will say I used my gift card at target for the "heart and hand" magnolia wreath and that was worth the splurge because it's my favorite piece! The target dollar spot always has cute little things like this stocking hanger pictured below! My favorite place for Christmas decor is Walmart they hands down have the cheapest and best quality trees, flocked garland and wreaths! I would buy so many of their flocked trees if I didn't have to move everything 100 times a year! The two little flocked trees below cost 1.74$ and I think they are so cute and simple to put anywhere! Of course candles cozy up any space so I love having candles all year around (also from Walmart or the dollar store) The print out of "The Christmas carol" is from public press you can find them on Instagram @public_press they have so many cute print outs! One thing I love doing is buying matching pjs and wearing them Christmas Eve & Christmas morning this year my hubby even gets to have a pair (he doesn't know it yet but he'll be thrilled 😏) I always find the best ones at Old Navy. This year I am just so happy to have my hubby home because he missed Harleys first Christmas last year and this year she'll be one and into everything it'll be fun! I'm excited to start some new holiday traditions together! What are some of your favorite holiday traditions?