Making time for you
This blog is especially for you. We are hard on ourselves when it comes to "me time" we are always taking care of everything and everyone else. I too do it. But I've been working on self care and finding time to do something I want to do each day even if it's 10 mins a morning, afternoon, night whatever it may be I've been trying to get it accomplished! I have found that when I do so I am not only bettering myself but I am able to be a better mom & wife! I have always believed in taking care of yourself after you have a baby and I promised myself I wouldn't let myself slip but y'all it's hard when you become a mama it has taken me about 10 months to get in the swing of things and find some daily routines that work for us! I will list a few things I do that help me!
1.) I try to always take a nice bath once a day usually before bed
2.) I try to get dressed + put on some makeup each day I find that when I do that I am more productive and feel better about being a SAHM
3.) I just started using headspace and I try to mediate five mins a night
4.) Every Sunday I take two hours to do a hair mask, face mask, self tanner & style my hair for the week
5.) I get my nails done once a month and when they start to grow out I file them back and retouch them up if needed so they last longer!
6.)I'll light candles and try to have some wind down time before bed
7.) Every night before I crawl into bed I'll rub some essential oils + lotion on my feet and give myself like a minute foot massage
8.) I try to treat myself to a body massage every 2-3 months
9.) I try to eat healthy daily and then treat myself to something sweet every night as like a reward
10.) I'll buy a venti coffee that'll last me all week and each morning I get up that little bit of white chocolate mocha makes the early mornings seem less tough!
What are some things you do? I'd love to hear! I am currently loving my soaps from @oliveandfigshop the honey oatmeal bar is my favorite!§ion_id=22606908